How Taking the E-Myth too Seriously has Smothered the Economy

By Jessica Albon

According to the E-Myth, there’s no such thing as too many systems. But, here’s the thing: creation requires chaos. When we strive to be too regimented, too systematized, too simplified, we give in to the illusion that any job can be done by any person and that skill, talent, and personality play no roll.

After all, can’t anyone put Tab A into Slot B?

This plowing under, recycling, recession we’re in has come about as proof. See, for too many years now, we’ve given in to doing things exactly as we’re told. We tore out our kitchen counters and replaced them with granite, because the home improvement shows told us to. We tore down our businesses and restructured them so that “the people didn’t matter.” We “managed *around* the people.”

People make mistakes.

We all know it’s the people who muck things up, right? So, if we circumvent the people, shouldn’t we be entirely without muck ups?

Obviously, that’s not the answer. Which means that the real answer is…

There *is* no answer.

Sameness begets sameness.

I’m being pompous here, and I recognize that, to say that I have the answer and everyone else is wrong. But the truth, as I see it, is that treating every business as if it’s exactly the same, every industry as if it’s exactly the same, and every person as if they’re exactly the same… This is the approach that puts too much reality on my TV and way too many identical houses on my block, but it goes beyond that–it’s also the approach that stifles the sort of growth, ingenuity and inspiration that a business, a person, and an economy all need to keep moving forward.

So, instead of focusing on how you can systematize, systematize, systematize, focus on how you can humanize, humanize, humanize. Sure, save yourself some time by putting systems into place. But don’t lose that human element. And don’t fear chaos.

Make mistakes to Thrive Your Tribe.

Humanity is what connects and thrives tribes. Creativity is what compels your people to follow you. Humanity=mistakes. Every time. Creativity=chaos. Every time.

Don’t manage around it. Manage into it.
