Most Recent Blog Posts
Is it time for a bigger pot?

Lovefest 2009 (wherein I get all sappy and introspective because I’m getting older and apparently that’s what happens. Age makes you mushy.)

- I'm grateful for lovely clients like Steve and Tim (hey guys) who on a conference call on Friday said, "That's why we love talking to you--we always learn something!" Totally awesome. And I have some new thoughts about that giveaway you're planning; expect to get those from me later today.
- I'm thrilled by the three client websites (all brand new domains) that were listed in Google within 24 hours last month. I remember way back in the day when it took *six months* for Google to find a site. Granted, I have a few tricks up my sleeve these days that get a site listed in the blink of an eye, but a lot of the new speed is due to the fact that Google's been hard at work on improving search for both web users and website owners.
5 Urgent Things Your Business Needs You to Do Today
I’ve been knee-deep in hacked sites all week (last week, too, actually), so it seems like a good time to remind you of these five crucial things you should be doing regularly, but probably aren’t. Whether you do them often, or never, make some time to do them over the weekend.
- Sign up for an online backup service. I use Carbonite, but Mozy also gets great reviews. Remember, an online backup service isn’t a stand-alone never-back-up-your-computer-again service. You’ll still need an external hard drive. But, this is a great way to have a daily (or hourly) backup of the files you change often. (Downloading a complete system backup from one of these online services will make you pull all your hair out–so, use an external drive for the complete [once a week or once a month] backup, and an online service for the daily backup.)
- Buy an external hard drive. Get one that’s twice as big as your computer’s drive so you’ll have plenty of space. Then, get Acronis which will take a complete image of your entire hard drive and back the whole shebang up to your external drive. You know how, when you use your best friend’s computer to type up a Word document it takes you twice as long as normal because you’re hunting through all the menus for the stuff you like to use?
Give Your Readers Their Lines

Back from Topsail Island

Where Are Your Newsletter Weeds Sprouting?
- Jargon. Especially when you're telling readers just what it is your company does and how you can help them, make sure you use your words wisely.
Weekly Ritual for Better Content
Content Doesn’t Have to Hurt

The Tomatoes Made Me Buy Them

Too Plain, No Gain: How Being Different Will Have Clients Flocking to You
There’s a virus afoot. No, not a computer virus. Or a bird flu virus. But rather a Sameness Virus.
See, most of the articles that wind up on websites, in ezines, and being circulated at sites like are very much the same.
In fact, if you spend a lot of time browsing through content, you might just start to feel like the article writers took the old Sesame Street song a little too much to heart–and avoid standing out at all costs.