Most Recent Blog Posts
Be Ruthless

I don’t have much of a green thumb, but every year, I fill a flower bed with zinnia seeds. And every year, they sprout up in clumps–lots of baby plants in one spot, lots of dirt in another.
According to the package, I’m supposed to thin these clumps. And though I know it leads to healthier plants, more flowers, and a better-looking flower bed, every year I avoid the task until it’s too late.
Two weeks ago, I sent an email to my list sharing my brand new report, “Unmask Your Irresistibility “ For whatever reason, the link didn’t work for everyone. (Sorry about that!)
Most of my readers were delightful about it–they sent me a quick emails telling me they really wanted to read the new report and asking if I could send it directly.
But one reader was less-than-delightful. He was pissed. (“Outraged,” actually, he said in his email.) In his view, I had deliberately wasted his time by sending a broken link. He even went so far as to suggest that I had intentionally sent a broken link so that readers would email me.
To be clear: I get more than enough email ;-). I love hearing from readers, but I don’t need to manipulate anyone into emailing me.… Keep reading
Why Blanket Visibility Isn’t the Answer
In episode 2 of Invisibility Cloak: Deactivate, I talked about the importance of really committing. Really being where you’re at.
It sounds obvious, right? Where else would you be but where you’re at?
And yet, most of us spend most of our time being anywhere else but here, if you know what I mean. We’re focused on what we need to do next, or what we should be doing instead, or we’re multitasking our way through our to-do list. We seldom dig in, and do the work that’s in front of us.
Heck, right now as I’m typing this, I’m also listening to music (Nina Simone at this very moment). (I don’t entirely consider that multitasking, but if it were the wrong music, it could certainly be distracting!)
One of the reasons we multitask is because there’s so much to do. And we feel like we have to do all of it.
So, we can’t really just focus on one task because there are twenty others we need to complete in the next hour because we have to do everything the experts tell us.
Be Everywhere = Be Nowhere Really
But the truth is, this kind of be-everywhere, do-everything approach hinders us in getting visible.… Keep reading
How You’re Upping Your Visibility for 2013
The feedback for Invisibility Cloak: Deactivate has been so dear to me. Thank you! I wanted to share (with permission) some of the feedback we’ve been receiving about the video series.
Kathy P., PA.
Jenny, NM
Ahmed, NY
“Invisibility Cloak: Deactivate has been magic for me. Hope you’ll make more.”
Nathan, NY
Rachel, CA
“First, love your hair in the latest video!
Does doing a good job keep you stuck?
So, tell me, do you like to do a good job? Of course you do! And yet, wanting to do a good job can actually keep you stuck.
Sound crazy?
I made this free video for you so I could explain…
(Make sure to watch, even though what I suggest can be terrifying for those of us who like to do great work!)
May I Work My Magic for You?
With the end of the year coming up fast, I’d love to get my hands on your copy. Revise it, freshen it, add a little extra oomph and just generally make it sparkle for the new year. As your business grows and changes, it’s important that your site reflect those changes… But you don’t have time to go through and take a fresh look at everything yourself. In the past year, you’ve probably:
- Added new services and products
- Learned more about your audience
- Gotten clearer on the value you bring to the world
- Grown in all kinds of wonderful ways
- Shed old identities and old ways of thinking
And when your website doesn’t reflect this growth, it can bog you down. You may be ashamed to share your link with people, knowing that your content doesn’t really reflect who you are and where you’re at. You may hesitate to promote your site because it just doesn’t feel like you anymore. Of course, that leads to less traffic. And, over time, fewer clients! Let’s fix this. I’ll roll up my sleeves and dive right in to getting your website content all polished up and gleaming. I’ll work my magic so that every word works to give your website visitors a clearer picture of who you are and what you offer.… Keep reading
Invisibility Cloak: Deactivate
Here at Thrive Your Tribe, we’ve spent the last 4 years helping clients all around the world get super visible by building our clients powerful online platforms (website design + copywriting, blogs, and email marketing).
It is my very favorite thing to do.
And for a long time now, I’ve been really content to stay behind the scenes–the “best kept” secret of some really spectacular clients. After all, if I’m putting them in the spotlight, isn’t it important that I stay out of it?
But lately, that’s started to feel really out of integrity and I knew it was time for me to step up my own visibility game. Intellectually, I know this is a good thing. Going through our process for clients will help me see that process in a whole new way. It’ll help me experience any rocky spots (so that I can fix them) or any gaps in the system. And it’ll give me a firsthand example of how it works and why.
All good stuff.
But, when I started trying to do this on my own… it was hard! Too hard. Too frustrating. Too intense.
And I realized something. Our clients have us! They have my team to support them all along the way.… Keep reading
Get Your Business Seen: What’s So Great About Visibility?
Last week, I asked you to tell me what it means to step into the next level of visibility for you and your business. Today, we put together a gorgeous Wordle collage of the vision you shared. I’m so inspired to see all of your words about what visibility means to you in your business all in one place–aren’t you?
When you choose to step up and let people really see you, these are just some of the benefits. These words represent just a glimpse of what’s possible when you commit to being seen. Getting your business known, and seen, and being known and seen yourself can transform everything about you and your business.
If you haven’t yet told me what your next level of visibility looks like, please do! Click here to watch Video #1 of Invisibility Cloak: Deactivate. You’ll also be able to answer my two questions at that link.
What Does it Mean to be Visible?
I’ve been talking a lot about visibility and being seen and when I mention that I’m ready to step up my own visibility, by and large the response I’m getting is:
“But I feel like I really know you, Jessica.”
My colleagues and clients mention feeling like they know a lot about my adorable dog. They know about the mistakes I’ve made. They’ve read about and heard about my background and who I am and what I stand for.
This makes me very happy. And it’s true–on my blog and in my newsletter, I share a lot of myself. I’m comfortable telling you about the time I set my kitchen sponge on fire and what my work means to me and how I got started in this amazing business.
But there’s one thing I’ve kept hidden.
In May, I announced we were creating the next version of Thrive Your Tribe’s website. I’ve even shared sneak peaks on Twitter. And many of you have written to ask how that’s going.
Here’s the truth: I got cold feet.
See, right across the top of the home page of the new site there’s a banner filled with media mentions–the sites and magazines I’ve guest posted on/been published in/been interviewed by.… Keep reading
Connection and Surrender
That I’ve called this article “Connection and Surrender” might have you scratching your head. If you’ve been reading my emails for any length of time, you know they’re usually jam-packed with useful, tangible tips. Things you can apply right this minute to get better results in your business.
And yet…
There’s another side to the work we do. There’s another piece of this puzzle of stepping up, lighting the way, connecting with your audience, and Thriving Your Tribe.
Today I’m feeling called to talk about that piece.
It’s all well and good to have a mission. To have a message. To have something you must say or you’ll burst. To have something you must help people with or you’ll feel you’ve failed.
All too often, we let our passion for the *message* blind us to the truth: no one’s listening.
We keep circling around, shouting our message at the top of our voice. We insist, “They need to hear this.” We cry, “This will change your life.”
We get frustrated when it feels like no one is taking action. When we see the people around us continue to struggle with something we know we could help them with.
And so we shout louder.… Keep reading
Last day // Call me?
Just a quick reminder–today’s the last day to save $20 on your registration for Sales Page Play Dates. This is the program that I wish I’d had five years ago when I was struggling to write my own sales copy. I’ll take you step by step through the complete process so that you can sell more of your products and services.
If you want to make more sales of your products + services, pick up a copy today and pocket those savings! At just $79, this six-week video + pdf course is an absolute steal.
If you’re not quite sure if Sales Page Play Dates is right for you, I want to get your questions answered today.
I’ll be here for you, all day, answering your questions live by phone. All you have to do is call me at 336-793-4732. This is your chance to ask me about your unique situation–live. So if you’ve got questions, call me at 336-793-4732.
Waiting not-so-patiently by the phone…
P.S. I’m taking this time to catch up on some filing. In other words, please call and give me a break. 😉… Keep reading