Making it Rain Inspiration: Turn off the forecast

By Jessica Albon

This post is part of the Making it Rain Inspiration series. You can read all the posts if you’ve missed any.

Here we are, in the middle of winter in North Carolina, and the weather has been gloomy, gloomy, gloomy! Sure, there’s been some rain, but it’s mostly just been cold and cloudy. Every night, I check the weather forecast to see what to expect tomorrow, hoping it won’t be more of the same. Now something you only know about North Carolina if you’ve lived here for awhile is this: the weather is impossible to forecast here.

I’m a Santa Barbara, California girl. I’m used to the forecasters promising sunshine and temps in the 70s all week… And being right. But, even when I lived in Arizona, where the weather was a bit more adventurous, they were pretty accurate much of the time. Here in North Carolina, though, they get it right every 8th day of the week or so ;-).

So, whether the forecast is for sunshine, rain, or clouds, it really doesn’t matter. My checking the forecast does little except give me false hope. Because the reality is this: tomorrow, the weather will be as it is. No more, no less.

And the same is true with your writing. Tomorrow, the writing will be as it is. Maybe it’ll be easy. Maybe it’ll be hard. Guessing at what it’ll be tomorrow won’t have any impact on what it actually *is* tomorrow.

Turn off your predilection to forecast. Set aside that feeling that “I don’t know what I’ll write about tomorrow, so therefore it’ll be hard” or “I have this great idea, so therefore it’ll be easy.”

While you’re at it, you might turn off the news, too :-).
